Sunday, February 12, 2012

A reason...

I believe with all my heart, there is a reason things happen the way they do.
I missed out on a chance at a new and different job this last summer,  a job that was posted and filled while I was on vacation.
I was very hurt and very angry, yet very happy for my friend that got a chance for a much needed change in her life.
Now after several months, I am quite content with the outcome. I have more knowledge and responsibility and ownership than I did while
we were job sharing. I can honestly say I'm happy with my job now.
Years ago, after only a little more that a year of marriage, my then husband decided he would rather be with someone other than me.
I was sure I would never survive, but being single again gave me the opportunity to take notice of a tall, blond haired man with a red beard,
who also took notice of me.
This man with the red beard and I have now been married for 25 years and have three fabulous children.
If I had never gotten a divorce, I would not have given birth to three wonderful children that have grown into the very
special people I am so very proud of. Thank you Mr. Redbeard.
I write this post because my lovely daughter who lives way, way too far away from me, has been dealt a lousy hand. She has come
face to face with the unfairness life sometimes chooses to dish out, and there is nothing I can do to help...except to listen, and believe in her.
I believe this unfairness has happened for a reason, a reason that neither of us is privy to. God has plans for her and they don't appear to
include what she was hoping for, and that will need to be okay, because God is in charge. We may think otherwise, but He is.
This is what I believe.
I believe there is something very wonderful just waiting...for her!