Wednesday, October 27, 2010

21 already…

October 5, 2010 my baby boy turned 21!! David and I drove Ethan to The Cafeteria in Uptown to meet some of his friends and have a birthday celebration. It’s just a little strange to drink with your children, but really not as strange as I once would have thought. I had a Long Island Iced Tea and the Taco Special, David had his usual beer and hmmm, I can’t remember what he ate (neither can he), Ethan had beers and tsk, I can’t remember what he had either. I only remember that Jaimie had the Mac & Cheese. His friends included, Mandy, Kenny, Dawn, Eric, Steveo, Justin, Jaimie, David, me and of course, Ethan. They had a good time going from bar to bar, no one got in trouble and they are all still alive!! Here are a few pictures of the big night!P1010756 P1010757 P1010758 P1010760 P1010762 P1010763 P1010764 P1010765 P1010766 P1010767 P1010768 P1010774 P1010775 P1010776 P1010777 P1010769

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