Saturday, February 26, 2011


Kira is coming home for a visit this Easter! Yey!! David has been working very hard on the basement, but he is only one person, so it’s taking a while to get done. He’s almost got all of the electrical work finished so he can get it inspected. He has to run some water pipes to the tub and sink and get them inspected, then it should be smooth sailing from there to the finish. Putting up insulation and sheetrock will be a snap, especially if we can entice some strong young men to help out. (a little beer, a little food, OK, a LOT of beer and a LOT of food should do it) I’m taking charge of tiling the bathroom…can’t wait, it’s going to be soooo cool!  We found 50’s style light fixtures to hang next to the 50’s medicine chest that goes with our blue 50’s tub, toilet and wall hung sink. I bought metal legs with attached towel bars for the sink.

I found really cool hanging lights for the bed, but where I wanted to put the bed ended up taking up too much room, so we had to design it to be in the corner. We returned the lights (sniff) and found another cool style that screamed for a built in headboard. Thank you David, it will be perfect.

Anyway, where I’m going with this is, hopefully two months will be enough time for us to finish these rooms. Kira has already visited us once and we didn’t have a guest room, then Andy visited and we still didn’t have a guest room, so I’m praying that we can have a guest room by Easter.


This was in the beginning, I’ll post some in between pictures as soon as I clean up some of the stuff lying around. I’m so excited!!!

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