Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Last night I decided I just better get started on packing up all of Kira’s stuff. While Kira and I were driving to Arizona, David packed up all of Andy’s leftovers and took them downstairs and then he and Ethan brought all of Kira’s things upstairs. Andy’s room was filled with plastic boxes and assorted containers. I used up a whole roll of packing tape and stuffed 10 medium U-haul boxes with stuff, just stuff. Stuff that she really could do without, but it isn’t my stuff, so I’m not partial to it. Anyway, I told David that I packed it all up, so he gets to take them downstairs and out to the truck and over to the post office or some such place. There are at least another 10 boxes worth of stuff left to pack.

Kira is partial to plastic containers, (wonder where she got that from?!?) and I’d like to find a box that they would fit in. Some of the containers are the under-the-bed ones and others are almost square, but not quite, so putting them in a medium box by themselves doesn’t work and I’m having a hard time finding smaller soft things to pack around them. Such a problem I have, tsk! I think a smart idea might be to look at box sizes on line. Hmmm, I think I will do that now.

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