Monday, April 20, 2009


Having children does not mean that you automatically have someone to unconditionally love you. You always love them, you might not like them very much at times, but you always love them. You do things for them, bail them out, lend them money, make excuses, over and over and over. But...turn the tables around, and the scales are not even. I just happen to be talking, pettily, about gifts, birthday gifts in particular. It seems like kids, well young adults, always have money to buy stuff for themselves or their friends. When it comes time to pay bills, get license tabs, pay car insurance, buy deoderant or hair gel, then it's 'Mom, I don't have any money. I had to get gas. It was our anniversary, we went out to eat.' So, doormat that I am, what do I do? I bail them out! When it happens to be MY birthday, what happens??? I'm broke, I didn't have any time to go shopping, I don't know what you want, etc., etc., etc. Gosh darn it all, I'd like for once for one of my grown kids to think of Mom for once, without having to be reminded. I realize this is incredibly petty and immature of me, but that is how I feel. It hurts to be walked on all the time, even if I do it to myself.

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